1. Clearblue Digital Pregnancy test with Conception Indicator (2 tests): $24.90
** expiry date: 06/2019 , retail price = $24.90 for 1 test**
Gives DOUBLE confirmation of the result. Its Smart Dual Sensor tells you in words if you’re pregnant or not and if you are, it also shows you how many weeks pregnant you are. It is the only test that tells you the number of weeks since you conceived and can be tested up to 4 days early before missed period.
2. Clearblue EARLY DETECTION Pregnancy test (1 test): $10
** expiry date: 07/2018 , retail price = not available in SG **
MOST SENSITIVE TEST that can be used up to 6 days early before missed period. Over 99% accurate. Clear and simple results: 2 lines if you are pregnant, 1 line if you are not pregnant.